Monday, September 19, 2016

One year mark, eggs, miracles, and the Atonement

This past week was an interesting week! Sunday of last week we contacted a house next to a house that sells tajadas and enchiladas and other stuff. So while we`re contacting this house. A little old lady comes up to us with so much energy and is like, Are you going to eat? We told her that we couldn't because it was Sunday and we cant buy anything on Sunday. She looked at us and said, No, I`ll give it to you for free! So she gave us so much food which was a blessing because we were starving but couldn't eat anything until we got home at 9:00 at night. Thanks to Heavenly Father for putting this lady in our path because after we offered to come back in the morning and help her clean the dishes. She accepted but when we returned she wasn't there. So when we went back she was sitting in her chair and we asked if we could share a message with her and then she told us a story about how her little boy had to escape to Mexico so that he wouldn't be in a war that was here a long time ago and how she lost touch and for years would cry until on day her other son told her that he had found his brother and that he was in the United States. Now she talks to him every Sunday and he has a family of his own but the story was so sad and then so happy! We taught her how families can be together forever and we taught her about the Restoration of the Church and she said, I want to pray about this but it`s going to be hard for me to change religions because my parents were really Catholic and I grew up Catholic. Please pray for her she`s so sweet and then on Saturday she gave us food for free again!
Alveniz, we had a little rough spot but now he`s reading his Book of Mormon and has a testimony of Jesus Christ which he didn't have before. The only thing is, that he didn't come to church this past week because he had a huge pile of clothes he had to wash! I was so flabbergasted! Keep praying for him though because he has a desire to repent and needs the Lord.
Dorissell is doing good. Her Book of Mormon got wet because it rained and she accidentally left it outside when she was reading it. She`s struggling a little bit but has been praying to know and reading so she`s rocking!
On Friday I hit my year mark! I think I`m in denial because I can't believe that I only have 6 months left....I want a whole other year! It`s not fair that the Elders get 2 years! I`m thinking of extending but they say it`s pretty hard to extend so we`ll see what happens. So for my one year mark we burned a skirt of mine and then while it was burning my companion comes up behind me and all I feel is a wack in the back of my head and gooey stuff running in my hair and I knew exactly what she had done! She had egged my head and yelled happy 1 year mark P-Ridge! (She calls me P-ridge) and so I had to take a shower at 10:00 at night. It was fun!
I love Nicaragua! Rice and Beans for DAYS!! Also I learned that Hermana Vasquez that lives with me, her parents were taught by a Elder Partridge and I asked her what his name is and it`s my first cousin who taught them!
This past week I learned about asking the Lord, What lack I yet? I love the talk about this because there are moments in our lives where the Lord shows us our weaknesses and it`s to help us grow and become the person he wants us to be. So whenever you feel like things aren't going right or something is wrong, kneel in prayer and ask the Lord, What lack I yet? And he`ll show you the things you need to change. And through the Atonement of Jesus Christ we have the opportunity to try again. To get up when we fall down and rise to the person who God wants us to be. But we can only do it if we are humble enough to ask that one question, What lack I yet? And then act on it not just saying, well I don't have a problem with that. Because God helps those who are humble and grateful and those people who are humble and grateful are those who will be first in the Kingdom of Heaven. Just like Jesus Christ said, Thy will, not mine be done.
Love you all!
Hermana Partridge

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