This past week I learned a lot about humility and selflessness. This
past week I began to notice that I was noticing a lot of little flaws my
companion has. I began to be critical and a little judgmental. Thank
goodness the Lord knows how to humble me and boy did he humble me. I`m
learning a lot about living with only one person. I love what President
Hinckley said, "Avoid Criticism. Critiscism is the forerunner of
divorce, the cultivator of rebellion, a catalyst that leads to failure. I
am asking that we turn from the negative that so permeates our society
and look for the remarkable good among those with whom we associate,
that we speak of one another's virtures more than we speak of one
another`s faults, that optimism replace pessimism, that our faith exceed
our fears. When I was a young man and was prone to speak critically, my
father would say:"Cynics do not contribute, skeptics do not create,
doubters do not achieve."
love that because a lot of us might not have enough patience and I think
everyday it`s easier to find the bad in the ones we love rather than the
from making cutting remarks one to another. Rather, cultivate the art
of complimenting, of strengthening, of encouraging. It is a
responsibility divinely laid upon each of us to bear one another`s
burdens, strengthen one another, to encourage one another, to lift one
another, to look for the good in one another and to emphasize that good.
There is not a man or woman in this vast assembly who cannot be
depressed on the one hand or lifted on the other by the remarks of his
or her associates." Hinckley
Love you all!
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