Tuesday, December 8, 2015

6 Weeks in Nicaragua

This week has been full of surprises. Today is a Holiday here in Nicaragua and as sisters we were given permission not to work today because it's not safe. It's some holiday that the Catholics celebrate about the Virgin Mary.  So many fireworks were going off last night it was a little hard to sleep. 

I have gained a testimony about the hymns of the church and also of Fasting and Prayer. So here in Nicaragua we're allowed to drink Coca Cola and one day I realized that I was relying on it too much. So I decided to fast from it for a week and only drink it when given to me by members. This last week I haven't drank any Coca Cola! Poor Hermana Greenhalgh, because when the members gave me coke she drank hers and mine to help me with my fast! Thank you Hermana Greenhalgh!! But because of this fast I saw so many miracles happen and finally I broke one of the walls of Spanish and I have been able to understand people twice as better and talk twice as good! I'm so happy!

The hymns have been a source of comfort and joy for me here in Nicaragua, even though I can't understand the words being said, it beings me joy and peace just to hear them. I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!

Some words of Wisdom for the Day:

"It always seems impossible until it's done." -Nelson Mandela

"Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not. -Dr. Suess

"Don't compare your beginning to someone elses middle." -Jon Acuff

"Nothing carries more potential for change than individual acts of human kindness" -Jamie Winship

"Promise me you will always remember:
You´re braver than you believe
and stronger than you seem
and smarter than you think."
-Winnie the Pooh

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